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Past Presidents’ Luncheon

May 28 @ 12:00 pm2:00 pm

The leadership of our local bar within the Eastern District of Michigan has been accomplished under two banners, the FBA Eastern District of Michigan (FBA EDMI) and the recently formed Eastern District of Michigan Bar Association (EDMIBAR).  We invite past, current, and already designated future leaders of the local EDMI bar, under either banner, to join us in celebrating our camaraderie, along with our past, present and future at this annual luncheon.  This luncheon is free.

Special thanks to the Judicial, Sustaining, Regular and Retired from the Law Supporters of EDMIBAR:

* Matthew Allen

Judge Kimberly Altman

* Jeffery Appel

* Dennis Barnes

Judge Paul Borman

Julia Caroff

* Dennis Clark

* Maura Corrigan

* Thomas Cranmer

* George Donnini

* Christine Dowhan-Bailey

* Susan Fairchild

* Grant Gilezan

Judge Mark Goldsmith

Judge Ralph Guy

* Fred Herrmann

Robert Hurlbert

Andrew Lievense

^ Matthew Lund

Lauren Mandel

Michele Mayes

^ Thomas McNeill

^ Barbara McQuade

Judge Laurie Michelson

* Jennifer Newby

* Elisa Palizzi

Charissa Potts

* Thomas Schehr

* Daniel Sharkey

* Sheldon Toll

* Robin Wagner

“*”    Indicates Sustaining Member
“^”   Indicates a Sustaining Member and also a supporter of the Court Historical Society
All others listed are Regular Members or “Retired Supporters of our Bar”


To join EDMIBAR, please go to edmibar.org and click “Join EDMIBAR” or “Member Login” if your membership is expired.

Please click HERE to register.



For more information about EDMIBAR and FBA EDMI, please see here:




May 28
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm


The Whitney
4421 Woodward Ave
Detroit, MI 48201
+ Google Map